












來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-16

MIS’s small Year 13 cohort has successfully received offers from the world’s top 100 universities (according to QS World Universities Ranking). 曼校首批13年級畢業(yè)學子“金榜題名”,成功收獲世界百強名校(根據最新“QS世界大學排名”)所拋來的“橄欖枝”。

MIS is proud to announce our first A Level cohort’s university offers.

曼校首批A Level學生大學錄取光榮榜

World’s TOP 100 Universities


Of these, many are from the world’s top 50 universities, with offers from the University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, King's College London University of London, University of Bristol, University of Warwick, University of Sheffield, Durham University and the University of Southampton.


QS World University Rankings also publishes subject rankings; MIS students received offers not only from the top 100, but from the top listed.


Multiple offers


MIS student's university offers. All MIS students have secured offers from the world's top 100 universities - 100% success rate with each student receiving an offer from the UK's top 30 universities (TIMES Ranking). The majority of our Year 13 students received three offers to date with some receiving four offers from the world’s top 100 universities.


Peter Kang

Offers Received

King's College London

University of London

The University of Edinburgh

Awaiting decision

Harvard, Yale, Columbia University, Cornell University, Stanford University the University of Pennsylvania, UCL (University College London) and Wharton School Pennsylvania

“During my application process there has been professional and thorough help which made my applications much more successful. All the staff members and the faculty have had no hesitation in helping me with any part that I struggled on. They have proofread and checked my personal statements, double checked all of the information and pointed out any mistake and omissions, provided me with various guides for me to consider, and so on. My achievement on receiving my offers from University of Edinburgh and King's College London would have been much harder without their considerate help”.

Peter Kang








Lina Soliman

Offers Received

University of Manchester

Keele University

Awaiting decision

University of Nottingham and International Medical University Malaysia

“ MIS has been my guide for the past year and a half. I have grown stronger in all aspects; physically, mentally, emotionally and above all my academic performance. MIS has helped me discover what is best for me and the best way to achieve my goals. MIS has given me the space and chance to explore the skills I’m good at and improve on those I’m not. I have been given the resources to look for options and to judge which would be best for me. I’m very proud to be part of MIS”.

Lina Soliman




Awaiting decision


曼校在我過去一年半求學之路上,為我提供了前行的 ‘指南針’,指引了我努力的方向。曼校好似一片沃土,為我身心健康、心智發(fā)展、學術進步提供了巨大的養(yǎng)分。在曼校的生活中,我漸漸清楚了自身的熱情,明白了實現目標的方式。曼校為我提供了成長的空間,與探索自我的機會,幫助我“強長板,補短板”。曼校有著無窮無盡的調研資源,供我探尋自己心儀的大學,分析最適合自己的高校選擇。能成為曼徹斯通的一員,我感到非常驕傲。

Hugo Wang

Offers Received

The University of Edinburgh

City University of Hong Kong

Durham University

The University of Southampton

Awaiting decision

University of St Andrews and UCL (University College London)

“When I received the offer to study at MIS, I was extremely excited to be able to join a British international school. At the beginning I took time to adjust to this completely new environment. I felt that my English language was weak, but I was completely supported. I firstly selected Art, Music, Maths and English. However, the English course requires advanced English speakers andt unfortunately my English was not quite strong enough at that time. With the guidance of teachers, I was able to drop English and concentrate on IELTS instead. As I felt my English was my main drawback, the teachers encouraged me and really supported me. With Mr Wright who is the Director of Performing Arts and my music mentor, I was able to exchange ideas in Chinese and English and even a tiny bit of Italian which is always used in music. As well as full support and encouragement from the academic teachers, the boarding teachers provided me with a different kind of support, they help with life outside the classroom and are always there to help and guide. Our A Level cohort in Year 12 and Year 13 is quite small, so we quickly made good friends and made it our goal to support each other.

During the last year, Year 13 students have been busy. We have been applying to universities all over the world and these are all so different. In this period, MIS ensured we completed the necessary requirements and submitted them in time. UCAS applications are supported by MIS teachers, Mr Mills, Ms Gordon and even Ms Marion and her husband Mr Robert who came from Edinburgh to support and guide us. Ms Marion and Mr Robert conducted interviews for us to prepare us for the real thing.

I am privileged to be part of the MIS community and Mr Lynn the Head of School and his team have ensured that these two years have prepared me for where life will take me next".

Hugo Wang









表演藝術總監(jiān)John Wright是我的音樂導師,他帶領我走上了探索音符的美妙之旅。我平時可以用中英文雙語,甚至摻雜一點點意大利文的方式與John溝通學習,分享藝術感受,暢談音樂理想。班級教師在學術生活中為我指點迷津,寄宿教師在校園生活中對我無微不至,他們確保了我在曼校課堂內外得到全面的支持與幫助。曼校A Level課程的就讀學生(12與13年級)人數并不多,但我們在這個小群體中至交契友,互相支持,互相鼓勵,攜手為夢想奮斗。

13年級畢業(yè)生在去年一學年中,忙碌而充實。我們申請的大學遍布世界各地,且這些大學風格相異,都有自己的特色。在大學申請的過程中,學校為我們提供的幫助環(huán)環(huán)相扣,——確保我們的申請符合大學入學要求,保證我們的申請材料得到及時的遞交。學校有著非常強大的申學團隊——學校各科教師、申請導師Andrew Mills,中學副校長Leah Gordon,這些教師們全力支持13年級學生的UCAS(英國大學和學院招生服務中心)申請,同時校監(jiān)Marion及其丈夫Robert為了我們的大學申請,專程從英國愛丁堡來到深圳曼徹斯通,為我們提供模擬大學面試,并為我們面試提供相應的指導建議。能夠成為曼校大家庭的一員我感到非常榮幸。兩年來,校長Chris Lynn與其帶領的教師團隊在我求學的路上為我保駕護航,幫助我做好了迎接未來生活的全副武裝。

University guidance and preparation


University guidance and preparation starts as early as Year 9 when students are making their IGCSE choices. Our MIS team have a wealth of knowledge and experience in preparing students for their university dream. At MIS we have regular University Fairs (when top universities worldwide come to visit and discuss applications and financial implications of students overseas), guest lecturers and many student and parent forums.


Ms Marion Muetzelfeldt

MIS Educational Consultant, Ex MCS Deputy Head 現任深圳曼徹斯通城堡學校校監(jiān),前任愛丁堡曼徹斯通城堡學校副校長

“During the course of this academic year, I have visited seven UK universities to gather information which will be helpful for our MIS students. I know that much information can be found from their web sites, but I think that, by visiting a university, I can find out extra information which may be helpful. If any parent or student wants me to find information from a specific University, I encourage them to get in touch with me.

This year, the majority of our Year 13 students have applied to UK universities, with each student applying to five different universities. We are currently waiting for some responses to applications, but these are guaranteed a decision by 31 March as this is the deadline.

Our Year 13 students were fortunate that they sat International AS Levels in June 2019 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. Their excellent results gave the universities an indication of what their final A Level grades will be.

My planned visit to MIS in February and March has had to be postponed, however I have used this time to contact all the universities which our students have applied to. UK universities welcome student applications from China, and they are all keen to be as helpful as possible.

By 4 May, each student will have to choose one university as their first choice with a second as their “back up”. At that stage, the advice is for each student to contact their “first” and “back up” choices, to explain the specific circumstances under which they have been working this term. All universities have indicated that there will be definitely a degree of leniency for our students who have been disadvantaged by not being taught in the conventional way, because of the school closure.

I have been in touch with all the students, they all seem happy with their online learning, and the advice for them all must be to focus on still trying to achieve the best possible grades.

Recently, I received a copy of our student’s IELTS scores which has desired results for universities.

The universities that the students have applied to are all prestigious, with 15 of the universities belonging to the highly rated Russell Group. Some students have also applied to universities elsewhere, and have received offers from China, Australia and the USA.

I am delighted by the offers that they have received, and also by their responses to my emails. We should be very proud of them in this difficult situation. Although I have been corresponding with the students, I do like to discuss these matters with parents as they begin to start thinking of their “first” and “back up” choices”.

The students have received offers from the following Universities (with the ranking from the Times Higher Educational Supplement in brackets).

Russell Group

Bristol (10)

Durham (17)

Edinburgh (6)

Exeter (19)

King's College London (7)

London School of Economics (LSE) (5)

Manchester (8)

Nottingham (21)

Sheffield (14)

Southampton (15)

UCL London (4)

Warwick (9)

York (16)

Non-Russell Group

Bath (34)

Lancaster (18)

Keele (59)

St Andrews(27)

“You can see how successful the students have been in receiving offers from highly-ranked Universities. These excellent offers are a tribute to the students, but also to the staff at MIS, who have helped them to select these Universities and to work towards the required grades”.



我校13年級學生們于去年6月參加了國際AS Levels(A Level學習過程中的第一階段)的科目測試——生物、化學、物理和數學。學生們第一階段優(yōu)異的考試結果便是對A Level分數最好的預告。對于他們所申請的心儀大學而言,這也是最有力的學術證明。




























Daniel Hilton

Head of Seniors 中學校長

"Life at MIS has provided students with outstanding organisation skills and the ability to take shared ownership for the UCAS process, along with excellent communication skills and thus the ability to prepare meaningful UCAS personal statements. Our staff has an outstanding knowledge of the UCAS process and deep understanding of the components of the applicant’s journey; Marion Muetzelfeldt, Andrew Mills, Leah Gordon, Simon Smith, Chris Lynn and myself. All others involved in supporting student applications have global experience applying for universities and have stayed constantly up to date with UCAS changes, each possessing a keen eye for detail that ensures all applications are completed to the highest possible standard".

“曼校的校園生活賦予了學生們極強的組織能力,與UCAS大學的申請能力;與此同時,學生們在申學過程中,培養(yǎng)起了自身的責任感、溝通技能及文書撰寫能力。我校的申學團隊——Marion Muetzelfeldt(校監(jiān))、 Andrew Mills(大學申請指導教師)、Leah Gordon(中學副校長)、Simon Smith(寄宿校長)、Chris Lynn(大校長)與我本人,洞悉UCAS申請的流程,深諳如何走好申學之路的“每一步”。其他為學生申學提供助力的教師們,也同樣具有世界高校的申請經驗;他們與時俱進,隨時掌握UCAS大學申請信息的動態(tài)調整趨勢;教師們一絲不茍,精益求精,確保學生們以最高水準完成個人大學申請。”

Simon Smith

Head of Boarding and Pastoral Care


"A successful education does not stop at attaining the high grades necessary for entry into some of the worlds’ top universities and colleges. It extends beyond the classroom. At MIS, through the boarding experience, we foster a sense of independent learning and living that is a prerequisite for success at university, and staff are with the students to help them, encourage them and coach the skills necessary for them to become life long learners such as how to cope with the challenges that studying and living away from home can create. We fundamentally believe that our job is not done until our students can confidently access life to its fullest when they leave MIS".


What our parents think of MIS


“We were amazed to see how our son has changed and matured during his time at Merchiston International School. During his boarding life the school taught him to be independent and more self-responsible, while simultaneously providing him with the utmost care and professional teaching methods. The school has done an amazing job on helping him to pursue his dream passionately, and to prepare for whatever is coming for him in his adult life. We greatly appreciate all the hard work done by the members of the school- it couldn't have been better”!

From:Mr Kang and Ms Miae (Peter’s parents)


——Mr Kang and Ms Miae(Peter父母)

“MIS is Lina’s first boarding experience. At first, I was worried it might be tough for her. However, from day one I realised that MIS would be home away home for her. She is getting all the academic and mental support that she needs. The teachers are very experienced and have made the learning process very smooth. Moreover, their feedback is always constructive and they are always there for her when she needs help. MIS definitely has a great influence on Lina, one she will always remember; a life time experience that has helped carve her career.

I am happy that we chose MIS, as the school is helping her reach her maximum potential and achieve her goals. The teaching strategy, remarkable teamwork and hard work make MIS the perfect learning experience for any student. As a parent, I feel that Lina is privileged to be part of MIS”.

From: Ms Sahar (Lina’s mum)



——Ms Sahar (Lina媽媽)

“The first time I visited MIS was when our son was attending his entrance exam and interview. The first thing I remember is how the Head of School, Mr Lynn interacted with our son and how encouraging he was – this deeply touched me. I had never seen that from a teacher’s eyes before. When we received Hugo’s offer to study at MIS we knew that MIS led by Mr Lynn would pave the way for Hugo's growth and would help our son on his journey in life.

There are a few events at MIS that are significant for me; the Sports and Drama Awards Ceremony for example. At that time, Hugo had spent a year at MIS. My heart was filled with happiness and contentment when I saw Hugo with his classmates performing a sincere, enthusiastic and carefree performance.

During a Chinese New Year performance I was able to speak with Mr Wright who is Hugo’s music teacher after the performance. We discussed life in England which relieved our doubts about Hugo’s upcoming life of study in Britain.

We as a family are certain that Hugo is very fortunate to be part of MIS. The school really supports his hobbies and uses these to really influence his daily life.

As parents, we also agree with the values of MIS, at the same time we understand the difficulties of building a school in China. There are many differences between Chinese and western cultures, but the school balances these really well. Thus I hope Hugo can fulfill his dream of studying Philosophy in the future and contributing to the world to help different cultures come together”!

From: Mr Wang and Ms Wei (Hugo’s parents)

“記得我第一次走進曼校,是陪同Hugo參加入學面試,那天我遇到了大校長Chris Lynn,最觸動我的是他看到Hugo后,眼神中流露出的認可與欣賞,這是在Hugo此前就讀學校的老師眼中,很少見的溫暖。當收到曼校的錄取通知書時,我便堅信,由大校長帶領的教職工團隊一定會為Hugo 的發(fā)展創(chuàng)造機遇,為成長鋪平道路。





—— Mr Wang 和 Ms Wei (Hugo父母)

MIS stands side by side with our founding school MCS and congratulates the boys on their outstanding achievements too.


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